Our Mission
Transformed Ministry's purpose is discipleship for biblical manhood. By turning away from the patterns of the world and being renewed through the Word of God. To rest in God in such a way that you can experience a deeper and more meaningful relationship with the Lord & Savior Jesus Christ while in the wilderness. We want to be the go to men’s ministry retreat for your church, men’s group, bible study or business.
“There is no better feeling than resting completely in the Lord”
Our hope is that every Excursion would be saturated in the Word of God as we create intentional time to soak in the beauty of God through his creation. That each man would walk away Re-energized in Godly-fellowship, Renewed in God’s presence, and Rested through His created beauty in the wilderness.
We should all strive to live for God in meaningful ways and aspire to lead our families, our church and our communities. However, we live in such a fast-paced world that keeps us busy with the demands of life and away from these things. We offer a time for men to unplug from the world and to spend intentional time listening and learning in the presence of God though fellowship, the word and His creation. Our excursions offer time in "the wilderness” to rest and focus on your relationship with the Father and who he has called you to be, a man of God.